Listening for Grey Jays


With the silence only punctuated by a infrequent call of a pair of Grey Jays we walked through the grasses and lodgepole pines on a fall day with the sun veiled by cloud yet still somewhat present.


Listening for a deer or perhaps a bear the forest remained silent. Even the tall dry grasses stood still as statues.


Just when you thought it could not get any quieter a Grey Jay would call one of their various calls but were never seen, only heard. as we walk through the forest and meadows that day.




Footnote: The Grey Jays is now Officially called the Canada Jay but Grey Jay just felt appropriate on this slightly grey and very quiet fall afternoon.

11 thoughts on “Listening for Grey Jays

    1. Hi, since we took this hike they have been constant companions, especially at lunch breaks, on a couple of recent hike. I do enjoy them and the quite colorful nicknames both whiskey jack and camp sober are apropos for these guys. Hope your week has started well.


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