On the bull kelp


A tiny Yellow Rumped Warbler found the bull kelp a perfect perch for hunting sand flies and other small insects on the beach. This girl would quickly dart down form the kelp to snag a small meal and quickly return to her perch. Seeing her sitting on the head of the bull kelp made us realize just how small she was. We watched a documentary about songbirds the other night called The Messenger. Here is a link to the website http://songbirdsos.com
It is a very timely reminder about what a world without song birds would be like.

Looking out – Looking in

On a recent very chilly morning while the rest of the house finches were visiting the feeders one very curious gentleman decided to take a minute and see what was going on inside the house. It was a short but nice chat, but given the quantity of seed a little bird needs to eat to keep warm at -10, he was quickly went back to his business at the feeder.


Thus far our winter has been more gray then sunny and much less snowy than we would like it. However looking out and seeing this Rocky Mountain Cottontail provided us that proverbial sunshine on a cloudy day and a smile to our faces.